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This laboratory is equipped with various equipment in the field of fluid mechanics, aerodynamics and heat transfer for academic and industrial research. Wind tunnels, pressure and temperature measuring systems, data cards, hot wire accelerometers, multi-hole probe calibrators, compressed air equipment to simulate compressible currents are some of the equipment available in this laboratory.

Ultrasonic wind tunnel The flow velocity in this tunnel is a maximum of 30 meters per second and its total length is 14 meters. The dimensions of the test section are 45 * 45 * 100 cm. A two-pulse laser, a smoke generator for fluid flow detection, flow imaging equipment, an external three-component balance and a three-dimensional transmission system, multi-hole probes and a hot wire speedometer are wind tunnel equipment.


Aerodynamic Laboratory Wind Tunnel


Interior view of wind tunnel and
Multi-hole probes

Pressure sensor box


Interior view of wind tunnel